forget Xtreem programming, try ADVENTURE PROGRAMMING

forget Xtreem programming, try ADVENTURE PROGRAMMING

Today’s random trivia: when using the match-completed signal of a gtk.EntryCompletion in pygtk, you may be confused into thinking the model argument passed to your handler is the same gtk.TreeModel that you passed the EntryCompletion when you set it up.

It is not. It is not a copy of your model, though if you foolishly picked the first item in your model to test the completer with then you may be duped into thinking it is. But it isn’t! The model you’re given contains only the values presented to you in the completer popdown list, which means if you want to associate the selection made from that list to one in the big model, you’re shit out of luck. The TreeIter has no meaning in your full model.

Unless there’s a better way of finding the matching iter in your full model of the iter given to you that I don’t know about, try this:

    def on_match_selected(self, comp, model, i):
        row_id = model[i][0]
        for r in self.cbe.get_model():
            if r[0] == row_id:
                # set the cbe active row

(Assuming your handler is part of a class, and that your class contains a gtk.ComboBoxEntry with whom you are trying to do the completion and selection. Also, we assume that the 0th column contains a unique identifier for your row, out-of-band of the model, which isn’t displayed (i.e. set_text_column(1) or sommat).)

The docs on match-selected fail to mention the nature of the model being passed in, only that it is a model pointed to by the TreeIter also passed in.

Documentation is never going to get better, so rather than fight it, I introduce a new paradigm in programming: ADVENTURE PROGRAMMING! Like Indiana Jones hacking through the jungle with a machete, you hack through APIs on a quest for Inca Gold… with a machete.